Discover the best film sealing machines from polystar® - Made in Germany

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Thermal Sealing Device

  • Thermal Sealing Device for composite films 400 SZ

    A permanently heated sealing pliers that is both easy to use and lightweight and absolutely safe to handle and protect workers? Doesn't exist? Yes, there is!

  • Thermal Sealing Device for composite films 260 HSG

    Whether aluminum or paper composite or cellophane: these materials can be heat sealed. The permanently heated sealing elements ensure a firm seal: airtight and aroma-tight.

Hot, hotter... sealing with polystar®

The heat sealers from polystar® maintain the precisely set temperature and are totally reliable. After a brief warm-up phase, which depends on the temperature setting, the polystar® heat sealers are ready for hours of use.

Sealing heat-sealable packaging with ease

We couldn’t put it any more simply than this: Insert, close, open – and the packaging is done! It’s as easy as it sounds. The sealing process is always the same, no matter whether you are using mobile sealing tongs or a stationary heat sealing device. You insert the heat-sealable packaging, e.g. Doboy bags or bags made of polypropylene, between the sealing elements and close them, and you’re good to go. During the short sealing phase, the sealing elements stay closed. After the preset sealing time has elapsed, the sealing elements are opened again and your packaging is now safely sealed.

Mobile or stationary – the choice is yours

There are two different options for where to use the heat sealers. Either the location of use is flexible and always “elsewhere” – in this case, the polystar® 400 SZ sealing tongs are the ideal choice – or the heat sealer is needed exclusively at the same location, in which case the polystar® 260 HSG heat sealer is best.

Of course, only films and/or bags that are heat-sealable can be used with both heat sealers. As a general rule, composite films made from aluminium or paper composite with an internal PE coating as well as PA/PE bags or bags made from pure polypropylene can be safely sealed.

Mobile sealing tongs from polystar®

Let’s begin by briefly explaining the benefits of polystar® sealing tongs. The lightness of the heat sealer in the form of sealing tongs combined with the five-metre connection cable means that you can seal your films almost anywhere. Furthermore, the sealing tongs are particularly safe, as the hot sealing elements are covered with a heat-resistant but transparent material. In other words, you will not be burned when using the polystar® sealing tongs.

The sealing tongs are easily connected to the mains using the power plug. They do not need any additional equipment, such as a separate impulse generator. Both the temperature and the sealing time are set using the polystar® handle electronics. The temperature can be set to between 100°C and 200°C, with a deviation tolerance of just ± 5°C. The sealing time can be set to between 1 and 10 seconds. The visual and audible status indication and error signals round it all off for perfect sealing.

Sealing your packaging couldn’t be easier or more flexible.

Stationary sealing of heat-sealable bags and films

If you need a compact heat sealing device for your packaging and you want the process to be fast, uncomplicated and totally reliable, then you can’t go wrong with the polystar® 260 HSG heat sealer.

The sealing time and temperature can be set in a jiffy using the rotary/push button. Just wait out the short warm-up phase at the beginning of the work day and you’re ready to go! Insert the bag packaging between the horizontal sealing elements, actuate the foot switch and remove the freshly sealed film after the sealing time has elapsed – done!

The polystar® 260 HSG heat sealer can be seamlessly integrated into a shop environment thanks to its discreet appearance. So you can package freshly ground coffee beans or selected pralines, for example, at the sales counter to keep them fresh – a real plus for your clients as well.

By the way...

...we are often asked whether we also sell film sealers in stainless steel – we do. However, not all heat sealers, film sealers or continuous rotary heat sealers can be made entirely from stainless steel. Just get in touch if you want of find out more.